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Christian Armbruester
Jul 18, 2022
Why it is clear who will win the next football world cup. Maybe the entire German economic miracle was built on cheap Russian gas. Maybe...

Christian Armbruester
May 9, 2022
America First
Why the trend is still your friend. US equities have been outperforming the European markets for the better part of four decades....

Christian Armbruester
Jan 24, 2022
672 Days Later
Why everything is worse, but better than it seems. If someone had told me in March 2020, that two years later the pandemic was still in...

Christian Armbruester
Jan 4, 2022
Seven Fearless Predictions
Why 2022 will be different than we expect. It’s good to look back in time and learn from the past. As long as one does not get too...

Christian Armbruester
Oct 4, 2021
Why there is no solution for an amicable dissolution. Never mind how we got here. From the very beginning, we all knew it would come down...

Christian Armbruester
Aug 2, 2021
Why the end of times may be closer than we think. If there is one redeeming quality to this pandemic, it is truly non-discriminatory....

Christian Armbruester
Feb 8, 2021
Holding Pattern
Why the world better get busy living soon. The markets are in a weird place and have been for a very long time. Lest we forget that the...

Christian Armbruester
Jan 11, 2021
294 Days Later
Why managing our passwords is the only thing that matters. As we start the new year in yet another lockdown, I wonder what we would have...

Christian Armbruester
Nov 30, 2020
Rien Ne Va Plus
Why Brexit will be different than what everyone thinks. Human behaviour has been a mystery long before Jim Morrison told us that people...

Christian Armbruester
Nov 9, 2020
Bitcoin, Revisited
Why we should all own a bit of cryptos. Not so long ago it could take up to a week to transfer money from one bank to another. It was...

Christian Armbruester
Oct 26, 2020
Event Risk
How should we be positioned for the US election, Brexit and COVID-19? I like events, and the bigger they are the better. The reason is...

Christian Armbruester
Sep 7, 2020
Gen Z
Why the young will not inherit the earth. We all know the world is paying a heavy price for the damage caused by COVID-19, and there was...

Christian Armbruester
Aug 24, 2020
The Morbid View
Why the Coronavirus may be immensely conducive to higher equity prices. Remember the great financial crisis of 2008? Global equities were...

Christian Armbruester
Aug 17, 2020
Could Brexit spell the end of the United Kingdom? At its peak, the British Empire ruled over a quarter of the Earth’s population. What...

Christian Armbruester
Aug 10, 2020
The New Normal
Why we can always choose what to remember. I finally had my first business lunch in a restaurant the other week. It was a lovely day, we...

Christian Armbruester
Aug 3, 2020
Free Money
Why central banks are doing what they must, and we should all be happy. The Federal Reserve gets a lot of criticism from seemingly...

Christian Armbruester
Jul 27, 2020
Live or Let Die
Why it is time for the Euro to decide if it is for real or a failed political experiment. It is rare that a chart of such symmetry and...

Christian Armbruester
Jul 6, 2020
America, America
Why nothing will ever change in the greatest country on earth. I first moved to America in 1979, when I was 10 years old. We were the...

Christian Armbruester
Jun 22, 2020
Brexit, Trump, and Diet Soda
Why everything has changed, yet remains the same. With the economic turmoil, the political tensions, the uncertainty and all that is...

Christian Armbruester
Jun 8, 2020
Football, Cappuccinos and Riots
Why the rage of the global protests is within all of us. It was a beautiful sunny morning and like every Saturday, I took my son to play...
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